Swami Maheshananda Giri Ji Maharaj

Swami Maheshananda Giriji Maharaj was a direct and prime disciple of Swami Nrisimha Giriji Maharaj, one of the most revered Paramhansa saints of the twentieth century.
An adept in Vedanta and other Indian philosophical traditions, Swami Maheshananda ji had been a keen student of western philosophies and modern science, be it Plato, Kant or Gurdjief, he had fathomed with deliberateness the depth of their ideologies. By studying the past in the light of the present he advises the framing of future conducive to self-enlightenment. His approach is not to keep truth in a glass case sheltered from the onslaught of observation and reason, but rather to season it by exposure to both. He does not propose to bring the old order back, considering such ideas as meaningless dreams of the lazy. He wants humanity to understand the fundamental co-ordinates of ‘absolute’ culture to deduce all practical cultures. He is sure that the revitalization of Hinduism can come only through drinking the ambrosia of knowledge churned out of the cream of Vedanta by Sri Shankara.